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Paris   |   Cannes   |   St. Margarite Island   |   San Tropé   |   Monaco   |   Nice   |   Italy
aka: The French Riviera
If it's one thing, it's that the French really know how to live in style.  Cannes was one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen.  Everywhere you look, there's Jaguars, Mercedes, BMW's, Porches, Mazeratis, Lamborghinis, and all other types of super luxury cars that you can think of.  Cannes is where you go to feel famous, sunbath topless (not that I ever did), eat 5 star meals, and enjoy every moment of the sun and moon every day and every night.  Coralie, Sophia, and Julie
David and I saw more than the average beginner French tourist.  We went into the Carlton Hotel and I used the restroom.  Very elegant!  We've been to many shops and restaurants along the beachside and spent countless hours on the shore lines.  
To the right you can see a picture of our dear friends and myself.  September is the perfect time to go if you want to avoid crowds.  Had we gone sooner, we would't have this picture so free of foriegn bodies. :)  
Me and my hubby  Here's my husband, David and I, standing on a cliff along our way to San Trope.